Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Summer of the Art Attack!

This is the first day of summer. And I mentioned at the end of my entry on Art Schools in the area, a call for the Summer of the Art Attack! So let's do this! Happy Art Attack Summer of 2011!

Yarn Bombing

This is a newer blog and a new project of mine. One thing I have been surprised to not find in Portland Maine is “Yarn Bombing”. I know it’s been going on for some time now. But with the wide variety of ages of knitters and crocheters I know and have known around here I’m just surprised there hasn’t been an explosion of such a thing. 
You might be asking yourself what is “Yarn Bombing”?  It’s really people having a great time with Yarn and making everyday life a little cozier. What is funny I know someone in Freeport, Maine, who did start doing some, but I haven’t seem any more recent attacks of yarn. “Yarn Bombing” really seems to me, that in Portland Maine it would be a bigger hit. With Maine College of Art dead center in the city you would expect such a thing to happen. My question is why is it not? But, then again, I wonder how there isn’t more Acts of Random Art publicly placed around this area in general. And I don’t mean graffiti, but also sculptures and all kinds of things. I will cut that tangent short though and save it for another entry down the road.
Back to “Yarn Bombing,” I seriously wonder how this is not a bigger thing in Maine, really. Maybe I missed its hype? I don’t know. It’s too much fun from the images I have seen on blogs such as, http://yarnbombing.com/ and http://yarnbombing.co.uk/. (I will not take offense if you check these out before I continue on reading.) I know way too many knitters and crocheters around me, that if they knew about this, I would think they would take full advantage and make this into something here. I know a friend in Salt Lake City who talks about it. Is there a problem around here with it not using natural wools? Because we have plenty of the suppliers of sheep and alpaca natural colored wool for everyone. So why not take part? And to those who are anti-Graffiti, how can you be mad with something being covered with yarn? There is no damage and it might make a street sign pole something you want to hug.

Monday, June 20, 2011

How about more Snail Mail?

After a busy first two weeks of June sending mail on the First, getting ready and Bombing for International Yarn Bombing Day, I finally figured that the "Snail Mail Event! - Bring Back the Stamp! 2" was ready to present. The first one was such a success, it feels like it needs to happen more then the once a year. Now this project does not require for mail to be sent to A.o.R.A. but you can if you like. The next Snail Mail Event will be September 1st! Plenty of time to plan, make postcards, find coconuts to try to send, whatever you want! And because of the response to the last event I figured it would be a quarterly event. Also it will be posted on Facebook as an event from A.o.R.A. so feel free to follow it there too.

Here are the up coming "Snail Mail Event! - Bring Back the Stamp!" dates (some might get themes down the road!)

September 1st 2011
December 1st 2011
March 1st 2011
June 1st 2012

Keep your eyes open for future events. Also, plan to figure some more events between these events as well. And let me know what random art you find out there in the world. From man made to natural. What do you find in your everyday life?

And if you would like to send something to A.o.R.A. please send a mailing address request to actsofrandomart@gmail.com 

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Flash Mobs & Graffiti vs Vandalism

As I watched the News they started to talk about Flash Mobs as a group of young teenagers getting together in huge groups beating people up and mass robbings in stores and just flat out vandalism. I was happy that they made a short and brief comparison to what Flash Mobs are with groups of people doing Freezes and breaking out in dance and things towards the more peaceful end of it.
This got me thinking. Mostly about how I read a person’s comment on a news paper article in Portland Maine talking about a local Mosque getting slurs and other things spray painted all over it. The comment was something like “How is that vandalism when I will be fined if I don’t clean graffiti off my walls, why isn’t that vandalism?” (The rule of cleaning your building or getting fined in Portland ME is a big thing right now  -listen to the talk I taped on here http://actsofrandomart.blogspot.com/2011/04/talk-on-graffiti-in-portland-me.html.
These things got me thinking. Some of it is not the problem people have with it, but the education of the differences. It is also how vandalism is easily tied to public, street or gorilla art. I think that there needs to be some clarification of these and graffiti would be the hardest to fight with. That is because there is a true art to graffiti. Then there is the doing things on peoples property with out permission. To me though a true difference between vandalism and graffiti, is that vandalism is when people put insults, slurs, racial comments and the like along with taking a can of spray paint and doing it just to do damage. Graffiti, on the other had is more thought out, and never to do it just to do damage. It is done with the thought of making something look better to the writer -making it colorful and interesting. As much as people say graffiti is for other graffiti writers it’s also very public and for everyone. I’m sure that people would not be happy with those comparisons though. And some would say that there is no difference. 
For Flash Mobs, I put that on the media and city officials who are calling the mass violent, vandalism groups a Flash Mob. Because that is not what Flash Mobs are about - it’s another art form that is for the public and the reason for it is to make something interesting different happen in the everyday. This can be people breaking out in dance to music or to have lots of people all of a sudden stop in their tracks, or for some way for a large group of people to do one thing all at the same time. This sometimes weird’s people out, makes them laugh and just all around have a different experience in everyday life.
Now the other “Flash Mobs” the media and city officials are calling “Flash Mobs” is a problem for the people who are out trying to do artistic Flash Mobs. Violent groups need to be called the violent mob that they are - just like protests that break into fights are usually started by people that just want to start a mass fight. Let’s figure something different for the media to call them. Flash Mobs are for fun. Don’t take that away because others just want to cause problems.

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Apologies and International Yarn Bombing Day!

Hello everyone, very sorry for the lack of posting any messages of late. At the same time, I would like to wish those of you who are Knitters and Crocheters Happy International Yarn Bombing Day!

Now that would be part of the reason why there has been a lack of writing. I have been busy taking part in preparing for today, then out late last night and getting pictures and video. So check out the Flickr group for Acts of Random Art and see what was hit in Freeport Maine by the Maine Street Stitchers! It was a fun night!

The other reason is because it has been extremely nice weather out here in Maine. We have been having a rough start to the spring and summer so I have been taking advantage mowing and spending time outdoors. I’ve also have been getting new photos of all kinds of public art. Again, namely right now, graffiti and today’s Yarn Bombing. With some crummy days ahead, I plan to sit and work on some writings.

Now, I hope everyone has been hard at work doing some form of art of their own. If so, please feel free to share with A.o.A.R. on facebook, twitter or flickr! And below is a link to the A.o.R.A. video made from IYBD. Enjoy!

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Snail Mail Event! - Bring Back the Stamp! #1

First Acts of Random Art event! And it was more then just local but an international event on it’s first try! What a fun project. Postcards were sent off yesterday and I started getting postcards in return that day!
Now, I know that there are people that are all about sending snail mail as it is. But I was surprised how many people jumped on board and so impressed that I will be doing this a couple more times over the year. I will let you know as soon as I catch my breath. There is another event coming up on June 11th. Which is not an A.o.R.A. event but, A.o.R.A. is taking part in and really encourage others to do the same. This is International Yarn Bombing Day 2011. So look it up and join the fun! Keep your eyes open for random art and more events to come!
Next Snail Mail Event! - Bring Back the Stamp! will be announced shortly.
