Thursday, June 2, 2011

Snail Mail Event! - Bring Back the Stamp! #1

First Acts of Random Art event! And it was more then just local but an international event on it’s first try! What a fun project. Postcards were sent off yesterday and I started getting postcards in return that day!
Now, I know that there are people that are all about sending snail mail as it is. But I was surprised how many people jumped on board and so impressed that I will be doing this a couple more times over the year. I will let you know as soon as I catch my breath. There is another event coming up on June 11th. Which is not an A.o.R.A. event but, A.o.R.A. is taking part in and really encourage others to do the same. This is International Yarn Bombing Day 2011. So look it up and join the fun! Keep your eyes open for random art and more events to come!
Next Snail Mail Event! - Bring Back the Stamp! will be announced shortly.