Thursday, December 22, 2011

Happy Holidays!

Let it snow! Because Maine should have snow and doesn't I went out and changed that. I visited 9 trashcans on the street of Freeport Maine and put chalk drawings of snowflakes on them. If you are in the area stop by and check them out. Tomorrow (Friday Dec. 23rd) I plan to put photos of all the flakes on Flickr! So keep your eyes open for them!

Monday, December 19, 2011

Best Images of 2011 search starts now!

New images just updated on the A.o.R.A. flickr page! Now to start look and figuring out the top 10 found art for 2011! They will be posted January 2nd. Just incase I find something so amazing in the next two weeks. But I should start looking over and making some choices. If you have any favorites please let me know!

check them out here!

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

No Real Excuse

As much as I'd like to apologize for not writing a lot lately, I can't really. I say this because I have been busy making some sculptures and other art. But at the same time I should have been squeaking in some writing time. Breaking up time for those multi projects is still being worked out. Do not fear though! I do have some writings on the horizon and plan to get a couple more down this month. With a real push to getting more time set aside for 2012!

And thank you to all who have followed these writings and I hope you keep on checking in and passing the word on for the subjects you find interesting. And I'm always looking for more subject matters involving art and the streets.