Thursday, September 15, 2011

What?! Snail Mail Event! - Bring Back the Stamp! #3 Suggested Theme!?

That's right ladies and gents, I announce "Snail Mail Event! - Bring Back the Stamp! #3" date is (!) December 1st 2011! I know it's in the middle of holiday season. But that's more of the reason to use this day to send such things as cards and what not. Not only that, the US Postal service is in such hard shape let's help them out!

Okay! There is something else for this third Snail Mail Event. You might have seen that I kept mentioning a "suggested theme" to help some people out. Here it is. It's not something that has to be holiday related, but it could be. Are you ready? Not just Bring Back the Stamp this time but The Mixed Tape! (If you want you can burn a mixed cd). So make a mixed tape stick it in the mail and send them off to far corners of the world! Again this is suggested, if you just want to stick to postcards, or send tapes and postcards and letters and coconuts and anything else have at it. Just send something!

So please tell your friends join the event on Facebook at the Acts of Random Art page and tell all your friends. Until the next post I will see you around the internet!

Acts of Random Art does accept mail. Mailing address is on Facebook or contact