Monday, April 25, 2011

Can you find a Random Art? Contest

Hello, and welcome to the first contest! What I am wondering is can you find some random art?

The first 10 people to find and email a picture of random art from today, April 25th- May 9th will win an Acts of Random Art Pin! (seen below)

Your image will then be posted on this blog, and the daily twitter feed on May 10th. If you want your twitter name attached to the image and or name please add that under the writing.

Here is how to enter:
email your image to
say what city, state, and/or country the image is from
and here is the important part if you want your prize
there will need to be a mailing address attached to this email. So please remember to do that!

This is not to ask people to go and vandalize properties or anything of the sort, just for people to find some random art! And your email and mailing address will not, I repeat, will not be given to anyone else.

Thank you and I hope to see images soon!