Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Social Pages Face Lifts! And a question to Yarnbombers.

Hello! Just wanted to make sure that people know that last night I gave the all the "Acts of Random Art" social pages an up grade. Check out the Blogtumblr and Twitter

Also the Snail Mail Event is coming up in just a couple weeks! So join in at Snail Mail Event! - Bring Back the Stamp! #5  .

Yarnbombers! Acts of Random Art, who is a member of the Maine Street Stitchers - ME.S.S. (follow us on twitter) would love to put your works out on for International Yarn Bombing Day in Freeport ME, USA. And A.o.R.A. will post them too! Along with ME.S.S. on twitter. So if you are interested, or have questions please shoot an email to actsofrandomart@gmail.com. Other wise can't wait to see what people make!

#chalk #monster #freeportmaine at Coffee By Design

via Facebook Pages http://www.facebook.com/pages/p/108164949265323