This is about public art and looking at all kinds of art from graffiti to outdoor sculptures to murals to random things set up for pictures. Comments welcome.
Sunday, February 16, 2014
#IYBD some of our #yarnbombings from #iybd2013. International Yarn Bombing Day - for June 2014 will be coming up before we all realize the snow has melted away. And at this rate in Maine, we may still be having melting snow. But we are asking for you to help Freeport out with our yarn coming plans. Last year we decided a little last minute for our team to focus on a theme. That was gardens. So we did bugs, flowers and some bug monsters last year. This year we have themed our yarn bombing to "Under the Sea." And we would love to branch out and make this a big yarn bombing here in Freeport. We have been working really hard on making a bigger deal each year and getting more and more smiles and people finding it really fun for Freeport Maine to have this going on. So if you would be up for sending us some sea monsters, fish, kelp, etc. We would love to see what others do. And if you send it to us early we will work on sending things out to you too. And if you put your tag on your work not only will be make sure it's there for IYBD but also in pictures we will tag you on here and Acts of Random Art's instagram, Facebook page, twitter, etc. So please send us "Under the Sea" things to Acts of Random Art PO Box 182 Freeport ME 04032 and if we get them before May 5th, we will also send you something. Small and big are welcome. #crochet #knit #grannygraffiti #streetart #publicart #bugs #flowers #monsters #crochetgraffiti #knitgraffiti #freeportmaine
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